I am a research scientist at Sanofi-Pasteur in the Department of Biological Design, Biochemistry, and Formulations in Cambridge, MA. I primarily work on engineering eukaryotic expression systems to create new antigen candidates for vaccines and to increase the yield and efficiency of known antigens.
Previously, I was a postdoctoral scholar at Harvard University’s Department of Physics where I worked on the quantitative analysis of worm behavior. My research entailed the design, fabrication, and testing of new microfluidic devices.
Before moving east, I earned my doctorate in Genetics, Genomics, and Systems Biology at the University of Chicago. There, I worked on the homeostatic regulation of animal sleep as well as the lasting consequences of sleep loss during early development using the relatively simple and well-characterized worm Caenorhabditis elegans as a model system.
Here is a link to a .pdf of my CV
Here is a link to a .doc of my CV
Here is a link to my Google Scholar profile
My email address is jarredfsanders at gmail com
My phone number is +1 312 843 8262
PhD in Genetics, Genomics, and Systems Biology, 2017
University of Chicago
BSc in Genetics (Magna cum laude), 2010
University of Georgia, Athens
I have the following teaching experience at the University of Chicago:
You can contact me through one of the following channels: